Sunday, February 23, 2014

A Problem Behavior:Gilbert -Quotes

"Adolescents were snagged on two separate and opposing principles:  one tending toward greater, prolonged  dependency upon parents and children's institutions, and the other encouraging greater autonomy and responsibility." (p. 17)

This quote is explaining the two different roads adolescence are torn between.  One road is to still be the teenager living under the roof of their parents and going to school. This means doing all the things that a teenager should be doing such as living at home with their parents, following rules and living as a typical American family.  On the other hand, the other path would be taking the road that creates a status of a teenager as an independent young adult.  Such as working, earning their own money to purchase cars and other material items that represent an independent teenager.  Also, teenagers on this path would marry earlier, initiate sexual relationships earlier, look and act differently and behave hostile and act criminally.  This all illustrates the delinquent aspects of the teenager.  This quote is illustrating the two paths teenagers can take which are very opposite from each other.

"...1956 sociologist Pitirim Storokin in his book The American Sex Revolution, argued that American culture had become 'sexualized.'  This dramatic dangerous revolution, he continued, had dire and physical and mental effects." (p. 21)

This quote is illustrating the impact on the American family culture from the post war shift towards sexuality. An example was how Elvis Presley was moving too provocatively on television, resulting in just one of the aspects of rock and roll music that was blamed for corrupting the teenagers.  Also, parents began to prohibit children and teens from listening to rock and roll music, dancing and certain radio shows and films.  The blame that caused teenagers to behave in a delinquent way was blamed on these shifts in American culture.  As a result, the author states there was an increase in premarital sex and marriages happening at a historically early age.

"The new film Code suggested that abortion could be mentioned but, of course not justified." (p. 189)

This is an explanation for the ongoing struggles and numerous edits for the 1958 screen play Blue Denim. It was created into a film but faced a lot of controversy based on the requirements for the new film code in regards to abortion.  The film expressed the importance of communication between generations and focuses on the consequences of the miscommunication.  The 15 year old boy gets his girlfriend pregnant which shows how he failed to listen to the consequences of teenage sex.  The solution is for the girlfriend to have an abortion and this was refused to be recorded.  The plot is changed where the girl "mentions" the abortion but does not go through with it and the story ends with the young couple getting married and living through their mistakes.

Thinking about this reading, I found it interesting to see the unfolding of the revolution post war.  I see many similarities to teenagers today.  They do act like young adults, they do have premarital sex, experiment with drugs, dress and act different, talk different and carry an independence about them.  Sex in the media has evolved more than ever with teen pop icons becoming sex symbols.  Looking at how cultures change and trends change my question would be what sociologist predict will be the next trend for teenagers?  Are they going to become young adults much sooner?  Or with the pressure of college and careers keep teenagers less delinquent?


  1. I also found it interesting to see the unfolding of the revolution post war, and can definitely can see similarities with teens today, and even while I was growing up.. We are acting like adults earlier, premarital sex is the norm, experimenting with drugs/alcohol, and dressing in different ways. I personally feel like the majority of teens will be becoming young adults sooner.. I can already see it with my boyfriend's cousin, age 7. She went shopping with her mom and wanted to buy heels and makeup!!

  2. I also mentioned putting the "blame" on something in my blog. It seemed like there had to be a reason or explanation or something to blame the teenagers "delinquent" behavior on

  3. I really like the question you ended your post with. I have a daughter and I find myself now thinking of what it is going to be like for her when she is a teen. Is she going to go through the same experiences I had or will college be more emphasized thus leading to less experimentation? Good insight :-)

  4. I like the quote about American culture being "sexualized" that you chose to write about. I found that interesting, too, that the delinquent behavior of teens was blamed on sources of media.

  5. I enjoyed your second quote because I think its a great example of the article and how parents began to prohibit teens from listening to music because it demonstrated sexuality in ways. I think its a great example how teens are blamed which shifts American culture. Your example of Elvis reminded me of one of the quotes I chose, and how the media blamed his music which was focused on that time period and said it corrupted the youth.
